Arda Philology
The proceedings of the Omentielva conferences are published in the series Arda Philology. A more full-featured
webstore is currently being set up; until it is ready, the volumes that have appeared so far can be ordered on this page.
A file with errata discovered in published volumes is available here. Reports of
further errata will be welcomed by the editor.
Volume 7
The volume from the seventh conference contains six papers:
- Alexander Zapryagaev: Poetic Metre and Prosody in Eldarin Languages
- Bill Welden: How We Got Sindarin
- Roman Rausch: Mapping Out Semantic Spaces in Elvish
- Miriam Mayburd: Dream-Words, Dream-Lore and Languages of Ascent: Tolkien's Qenya and Gnomish Lexicons
in Light of Medieval Contemplative Practices and Synaesthetics
- Måns Berg: “Usually Omitted”: The Long and Convoluted History of hwesta sindarinwa
- Henrik Williams: The Saluda Runestone and the Russellville Inscription
You can take a look at the contents.
The price is 130 Swedish crowns (around 13 euro). Postage is additional.
Volume 6
The volume from the sixth conference contains four papers:
- Chris Gilson: The Role of Solosimpilin in the Creation of Qenya
- Tsukusu Jinn Itó: The Shaping of Middle-mouth: A Theory of the Representation of Consonantal
Phonetic Features in the Feanorian Tengwar
- Miriam Mayburd: Cognitive Constellations between Medieval and Modern: The Emergence of Language as Play in Tolkien‘s Written Wor(l)d
- Bertrand Bellet: Months and Seasons in Middle-earth
You can take a look at the contents.
The price is 100 Swedish crowns (around 10 euro). Postage is additional.
Volume 5
The volume from the fifth conference contains five papers and three haiku in Quenya:
- J. ‘Mach’ Wust: The Sindarin Tengwar Modes
- Måns Björkman: “On the Points of Her Toes”: Some Notes on the Development of “Nieninque”
- Valeria Barouch: Lifehouses, Houselights and Other Encounters
- Roman Rausch: Explanation of the Word hobbit
- Helge K. Fauskanger: Note on the Cross-compatibility of Quenya Vocabulary from Different Stages
- Marianne Larose, Sascha Mücke, Roman Rausch: Haiku
You can take a look at the contents.
The price is 80 Swedish crowns (around 9 euro). Postage is additional.
Volume 4
The volume from the fourth conference contains seven papers:
- Arden R. Smith: Editing Tolkien's Alphabets
- Georgia Kyte: Mystery and Magic in Distant Lands: The Names of the Ithryn Luin as Clues to Their Role and Importance
- Ivan A. Derzhanski: Some Parallels Between Pronouns in J.R.R. Tolkien's and the Real World's Languages
- Måns Björkman: Quenya's Participles
- Aleksandar Mikić (in absentia): Of orivaine, kamilot, and Their Kindred: Words for Legumes in Tolkien's Invented Languages
- Arden R. Smith: Phonetic Symbols in Tolkien's Early Alphabetic Materials
- Roman Rausch: Sound Symbolism in Elvish
- Helge Fauskanger: The World's Most Evil Syllable
You can take a look at the contents.
The volume is temporarily out of print.
Volume 3
The volume from the third conference contains seven papers:
- Helios De Rosario Martínez: A Methodological Study of Elvish Writing Systems
- Petri Tikka: God’s Names in Elvish
- Mick Ennis: An Elvish Learning Curve: From Cambridge to Whitehaven, Telperion and the Stars . . .
Report from The Tolkien Reading Fellowship at Ironville & Codnor Park Primary School, Derbyshire, UK. (With poems by members
of the fellowship.)
- Helge Fauskanger: Exegesis of Tolkien's Linguistic Material: A Note on Challenges and Ambiguities
- Måns Björkman: Quenya Verb Classes
- Valeria Barouch: Arvernien, or, On the Winding of Rivers
- Melinea, Agnieszka Tańczuk: The Language of Magic in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Works
You can take a look at the contents.
The volume is temporarily out of print.
Volume 2
The volume from the second conference contains five papers:
- Benct Philip Jonsson: Reconstruction and ‘Retro-construction’ in Tolkien’s Eldarin Languages
- Helge K. Fauskanger: Practical Neo-Quenya
- Karolina Agata Kazimierczak: Unfolding Tolkien’s Linguistic Symphony
- Måns Björkman: The Feanorian Mode of “The Etymologies”
- Beregond, Anders Stenström: Phonotactic Preferences
You can take a look at the contents.
The volume is temporarily out of print.
Volume 1
The volume from the first conference is still available, and contains seven papers:
- Petri Tikka: The Finnicization of Quenya
- Nils-Lennart Johannesson: Quenya, the Black Speech and the Sonority Scale
- Susanne Vejdemo: Tolklangs in the “Real” World
- Magnus Åberg: An Analysis of Dwarvish, with an appended Khuzdul glossary
- Bertrand Bellet: Vowel Affection in Sindarin and Noldorin
- Måns Björkman: The Scripts of Aman
- Christopher Gilson: “Namárië” and the Lexicon of Quenya
You can take a look at the contents.
The price is 90 Swedish crowns (around 10 euro). Postage is additional.
If you want to order both volumes, or more than one copy of a volume, or do not want to use PayPal for payment, write to