Omentielva Minya - Image Gallery

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Day 1 - Thursday August 4

Photographer: Måns Björkman

Waiting for the commuter train. From left to right: Olov Winstrand, Maria Rogstadius, Carolyn Noonan, Beregond (Anders Stenström). Olov Winstrand and Magnus Åberg.
Helge Fauskanger. On the train. Bill Welden and Petri Tikka talk.

Photographer: Pernilla Leijonhufvud

Thursday evening, the open Mellonath Daeron meeting at the parish building. Clockwise: Måns Björkman, Petri Tikka, Helge Fauskanger, Beregond (Anders Stenström), Olov Winstrand, Per Lindberg, Dirk Trappers. Clockwise: Carolyn Noonan, Bill Welden, Benct Philip Jonsson, Johan Winge, Christine Öberg.
Clockwise: Benct Philip Jonsson, Johan Winge, Christine Öberg, Magnus Åberg, Gustav Dahlander, Bo K Eriksson, Petri Tikka. The Mellonath Daeron coat-of-arms is seen in the background. Clockwise: Bo K Eriksson, Bjarne Dalgren, Maria Rogstadius, Måns Björkman.
Night. Beregond in the kitchen, preparing tomorrow's dinner.    

Photographer: Johan Winge

At the train station. Left to right: Olov Winstrand, Magnus Åberg, Helge Fauskanger, Måns Björkman. Waiting for the bus. Left to right: Helge Fauskanger, Olov Winstrand, Pernilla Leijonhufvud, Måns Björkman, Julian Bradfield, Maria Rogstadius, Carolyn Noonan, Bjarne Dalgren.

Photographer: Bjarne Dalgren

The open Mellonath Daeron meeting. Left to right: Magnus Åberg, Gustaf Dahlander, Bo K Eriksson. Left to right: Petri Tikka, Helge Fauskanger, Beregond (Anders Stenström).
Left to right: Per Lindberg, Dirk Trappers, Carolyn Noonan. Left to right: Bill Welden, Benct Philip Jonsson, Johan Winge.
Left to right: Petri Tikka, Helge Fauskanger, Beregond (Anders Stenström), Olov Winstrand. Left to right: Christine Öberg, Magnus Åberg, Gustav Dahlander.


Day 2 - Friday August 5

Photographer: Måns Björkman

Lunch at the university. Benct Philip Jonsson, Julian Bradfield, Maria Rogstadius. Pernilla Leijonhufvud and Helge Fauskanger discuss a linguistic matter.
Benct Philip Jonsson's seminar on primary world words in Elvish. Julian Bradfield and Nils-Lennart Johannesson in deep concentration. Dinner at the parish house. Benct Philip Jonsson shows his tengwar-inscribed ring.
Petri Tikka and the Qenyaqetsa. Petri Tikka talks. Bill Welden and Dirk Trappers listen attentively.
Left to right: Maria Rogstadius, Carolyn Noonan, Pernilla Leijonhufvud and Julian Bradfield. Carolyn Noonan, Pernilla Leijonhufvud, Petri Tikka and Julian Bradfield trying to make themselves understood in conversational Quenya.
A panorama view of the assembly at the parish house.

Photographer: Pernilla Leijonhufvud

Susanne Vejdemo during her lecture "Tolklangs in the 'Real' World". Magnus Åberg presenting his "Analysis of Khuzdul".
Johan Winge's project report on an experimental Unicode font for tengwar. Benct Philip Jonsson during the seminar on primary world words in Elvish.
Petri Tikka, Helge Fauskanger, Johan Winge, Benct Philip Jonsson, Per Lindberg and Bill Welden enjoy their dinner. Beregond (Anders Stenström) reads aloud.
Olov Winstrand and Måns Björkman. Johan Winge at the piano.

Photographer: Johan Winge

At dinner. Left to right: Helge Fauskanger, Benct Philip Jonsson, Per Lindberg. "Can you see any markings on it?"
AVI movie, 48,9 MB: Twenty questions in Quenya, round 1. AVI movie, 16,6 MB: Twenty questions in Quenya, round 2.

Photographer: Bjarne Dalgren

Susanne Vejdemo giving her paper "Tolklangs in the 'Real' World". Nils-Lennart Johannesson and Julian Bradfield listen. The audience enjoying Susanne Vejdemo's lecture.


Day 3 - Saturday August 6

Photographer: Måns Björkman

The exhibition 1. The exhibition 2.
The exhibition 3. Coffee break at the University. Left to right: Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Petri Tikka, Maria Rogstadius, Pernilla Leijonhufvud, Per Lindberg, Dirk Trappers.
Helge Fauskanger interprets Bingo Baggins's agony during the Dir avosaith seminar. Various thoughts and ideas are noted on the blackboard during the analysis of the text Dir avosaith...

Photographer: Pernilla Leijonhufvud

Walking in file during the rune-stone excursion: Helge Fauskanger, Carolyn Noonan, Dirk Trappers, Beregond (Anders Stenström), Johan Winge, Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Julian Bradfield, Maria Rogstadius, Olov Winstrand, Bill Welden. Per Lindberg and a rune-stone.
Beregond and Bill Welden listen to Per Lindberg. More listeners. Left to right: Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Dirk Trappers, Carolyn Noonan, (crouching) Helge Fauskanger and Olov Winstrand.
Julian Bradfield. Time for lunch.
Dirk Trappers, Carolyn Noonan, Per Lindberg and a pair of rune-stones. The participants of the rune-stone excursion. Left of the stone, left to right: Johan Winge, Julian Bradfield, Benct Philip Jonsson, Bill Welden. Right of the stone, left to right: Olov Winstrand, Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Dirk Trappers. In front of the stone, left to right: Beregond (Anders Stenström), Helge Fauskanger, Pernilla Leijonhufvud, Carolyn Noonan, Maria Rogstadius, Per Lindberg.
Back at the University. Pernilla Leijonhufvud reads Bertrand Bellet's paper, assisted by Beregond (Anders Stenström). Helge Fauskanger talks about Tolkien's changing world at the introduction of his Dir Avosaith seminar.
Tolkien thinks. A transparent from Helge Fauskanger's Dir avosaith seminar. The blackboard during the Dir avosaith seminar.
The participants of Omentielva Minya. Top row, left to right: Per Lindberg, Petri Tikka, Bjarne Dalgren, Bill Welden, Olov Winstrand, Nils-Lennart Johannesson. Middle row: Måns Björkman, Helge Fauskanger, Carolyn Noonan, Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Dirk Trappers, Benct Philip Jonsson. Bottom row: Johan Winge, Beregond (Anders Stenström), Pernilla Leijonhufvud, Julian Bradfield, Maria Rogstadius. Another shot of the participants.
AVI movie, 2,04 MB: Petri Tikka sings the refrain of his Quenya translation of "Somewhere over the rainbow".    

Photographer: Johan Winge

Pic-nic by the rune-stones. Bill Welden and Per Lindberg.
Yet one more shot at the participants of Omentielva Minya. Three learned men poring over the books of lore. Bill Welden, Petri Tikka and Helge Fauskanger.

Photographer: Bjarne Dalgren

Helge Fauskanger illustrates the changing face of Middle-earth during his opening words of the Dir avosaith seminar. Attentive participants at Helge Fauskanger's seminar. Left to right: Måns Björkman, Olov Winstrand, Petri Tikka, Pernilla Leijonhuvud.
Left to right: Johan Winge, Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Dirk Trappers, Carolyn Noonan, Beregond (Anders Stenström). Johan Winge, Olov Winstrand and Måns Björkman guard the snack table during the coffe break.
Dirk Trappers studies the exhibition. Two of the exhibition showcases.
Pernilla Leijonhufvud and Johan Winge prepare the the shooting of the group photos. Everybody waits...
At a rainy bus stop, bound for the parish house. Måns Björkman giving his paper "The Scripts of Aman: Sources, Developments and Relationships". In the conference room of the parish house.
The audience of the evening lectures. Beregond (Anders Stenström) reading Christopher Gilson's paper "'Namárie' and the Lexicon of Quenya".