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Thursday evening, the open Mellonath Daeron
meeting at the parish building. Clockwise: Måns Björkman, Petri
Tikka, Helge Fauskanger, Beregond (Anders Stenström), Olov Winstrand,
Per Lindberg, Dirk Trappers. |
Clockwise: Carolyn Noonan, Bill Welden, Benct
Philip Jonsson, Johan Winge, Christine Öberg. |
Clockwise: Benct Philip Jonsson, Johan Winge,
Christine Öberg, Magnus Åberg, Gustav Dahlander, Bo K Eriksson,
Petri Tikka. The Mellonath Daeron coat-of-arms is seen in the background. |
Clockwise: Bo K Eriksson, Bjarne Dalgren, Maria
Rogstadius, Måns Björkman. |
Night. Beregond in the kitchen, preparing tomorrow's
dinner. |
The open Mellonath Daeron meeting.
Left to right: Magnus Åberg, Gustaf Dahlander, Bo K Eriksson. |
Left to right: Petri Tikka, Helge Fauskanger,
Beregond (Anders Stenström). |
Left to right: Per Lindberg, Dirk Trappers,
Carolyn Noonan. |
Left to right: Bill Welden, Benct Philip Jonsson,
Johan Winge. |
Left to right: Petri Tikka, Helge Fauskanger,
Beregond (Anders Stenström), Olov Winstrand. |
Left to right: Christine Öberg, Magnus
Åberg, Gustav Dahlander. |
Lunch at the university. Benct Philip Jonsson,
Julian Bradfield, Maria Rogstadius. |
Pernilla Leijonhufvud and Helge Fauskanger discuss
a linguistic matter. |
Benct Philip Jonsson's seminar on primary world
words in Elvish. Julian Bradfield and Nils-Lennart Johannesson in deep concentration. |
Dinner at the parish house. Benct Philip Jonsson
shows his tengwar-inscribed ring. |
Petri Tikka and the Qenyaqetsa. |
Petri Tikka talks. Bill Welden and Dirk Trappers
listen attentively. |
Left to right: Maria Rogstadius, Carolyn Noonan,
Pernilla Leijonhufvud and Julian Bradfield. |
Carolyn Noonan, Pernilla Leijonhufvud, Petri
Tikka and Julian Bradfield trying to make themselves understood in conversational
Quenya. |
A panorama view of the assembly at the parish
house. |
Susanne Vejdemo during her lecture "Tolklangs
in the 'Real' World". |
Magnus Åberg presenting his "Analysis
of Khuzdul". |
Johan Winge's project report on an experimental
Unicode font for tengwar. |
Benct Philip Jonsson during the seminar on primary
world words in Elvish. |
Petri Tikka, Helge Fauskanger, Johan Winge,
Benct Philip Jonsson, Per Lindberg and Bill Welden enjoy their dinner. |
Beregond (Anders Stenström) reads aloud.
Olov Winstrand and Måns Björkman. |
Johan Winge at the piano. |
Walking in file during the rune-stone excursion:
Helge Fauskanger, Carolyn Noonan, Dirk Trappers, Beregond (Anders Stenström),
Johan Winge, Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Julian Bradfield, Maria Rogstadius, Olov
Winstrand, Bill Welden. |
Per Lindberg and a rune-stone. |
Beregond and Bill Welden listen to Per Lindberg. |
More listeners. Left to right: Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal,
Dirk Trappers, Carolyn Noonan, (crouching) Helge Fauskanger and Olov Winstrand. |
Julian Bradfield. |
Time for lunch. |
Dirk Trappers, Carolyn Noonan, Per Lindberg
and a pair of rune-stones. |
The participants of the rune-stone excursion.
Left of the stone, left to right: Johan Winge, Julian Bradfield, Benct Philip
Jonsson, Bill Welden. Right of the stone, left to right: Olov Winstrand,
Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Dirk Trappers. In front of the stone, left to right:
Beregond (Anders Stenström), Helge Fauskanger, Pernilla Leijonhufvud,
Carolyn Noonan, Maria Rogstadius, Per Lindberg. |
Back at the University. Pernilla Leijonhufvud
reads Bertrand Bellet's paper, assisted by Beregond (Anders Stenström). |
Helge Fauskanger talks about Tolkien's changing
world at the introduction of his Dir Avosaith seminar. |
Tolkien thinks. A transparent from Helge Fauskanger's
Dir avosaith seminar. |
The blackboard during the Dir avosaith
seminar. |
The participants of Omentielva Minya. Top row,
left to right: Per Lindberg, Petri Tikka, Bjarne Dalgren, Bill Welden, Olov
Winstrand, Nils-Lennart Johannesson. Middle row: Måns Björkman,
Helge Fauskanger, Carolyn Noonan, Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal, Dirk Trappers, Benct
Philip Jonsson. Bottom row: Johan Winge, Beregond (Anders Stenström),
Pernilla Leijonhufvud, Julian Bradfield, Maria Rogstadius. |
Another shot of the participants. |
AVI movie, 2,04 MB: Petri Tikka
sings the refrain of his Quenya translation of "Somewhere over the
rainbow". |
Helge Fauskanger illustrates the changing face
of Middle-earth during his opening words of the Dir avosaith seminar. |
Attentive participants at Helge Fauskanger's
seminar. Left to right: Måns Björkman, Olov Winstrand, Petri
Tikka, Pernilla Leijonhuvud. |
Left to right: Johan Winge, Ann-Sofie Gyllenhaal,
Dirk Trappers, Carolyn Noonan, Beregond (Anders Stenström). |
Johan Winge, Olov Winstrand and Måns Björkman
guard the snack table during the coffe break. |
Dirk Trappers studies the exhibition. |
Two of the exhibition showcases. |
Pernilla Leijonhufvud and Johan Winge prepare
the the shooting of the group photos. |
Everybody waits... |
At a rainy bus stop, bound for the parish house. |
Måns Björkman giving his paper "The
Scripts of Aman: Sources, Developments and Relationships". In the conference
room of the parish house. |
The audience of the evening lectures. |
Beregond (Anders Stenström) reading Christopher
Gilson's paper "'Namárie' and the Lexicon of Quenya". |