Omentielva Quainea - Registration

Registration for attendance is now closed.

For a smaller fee, 30 USD, you may register as a non-attending participant. In this way you support the conference, you can partake in the Onatsie session via Zoom, and you will get a copy of the published proceedings.

Registration only for the Onatsie is free if you contribute an online presentation. It is also free if you are a child or student. For such free registration, write to the Secretary.

With a credit card or a Paypal account you can pay to Omentielva via PayPal by filling out the form and pressing the button below.

I allow that my name appears on this website
in the list of registrees
(Option if 'yes':) Link my name to my personal web page
at this URL
Email (required)

If you are unable to use Paypal, contact the Treasurer for alternatives.